我是個非常喜歡吃下午茶的女生,以往都會跟朋友到不同的餐廳品嚐下午茶。各式各樣的點心,除了能拍出美美的照片,還能與三五知己一同度過舒適寫意的午後時光。但是,在香港吃下午茶確實花費不少,最便宜都得$100以上,實在不能經常光顧啊。(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) 所以我在想,假如在家裡也可以自製英式下午茶,省錢之餘,甜品也可以自由配搭,一舉兩得。
材料 Ingredients:
份量 Serve: 8
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麵粉 Flour 250 g
雞蛋 Egg 1 pc
泡打粉 Baking power 2 tsp
杏仁奶(普通牛奶也可以喔)Almond milk 100 ml
糖 Sugar 20 g
*各種莓乾 Any kinds of Dried berries
鹽 Salt 1 tsp
*果醬、凝脂奶油 Fruit jam, Clotted cream
凍無鹽牛油 Cold unsalted butter 65 g
做法 Methods:
(1) 準備一個大砧板,篩入麵粉、泡打粉、鹽、糖
Tip the flour on a work surface with the baking power, salt and sugar
💡 篩在大碗裡也可以 Or you may tip them into a large bowl
(2) 將牛油切粒,掉入麵粉中,並用刀切碎
Cut the butter into small cubes, add it to the flour, and start to cut the butter into smaller pieces.
💡 記住牛油一定要雪得硬,不能用室溫的 The butter must be very cold instead of room temperature
(3) 直至牛油太碎,不能再用刀切時,轉用手揑,確保牛油與麵粉完全混合
When the butter is too small to cut, gently work with your finger. Make sure that it's all incorporated
💡 大概像這種沙狀便可以了 Until the mix looks like fine crumbs
(4) 打散一隻蛋,預留大概四分之一的蛋液備用
Whisk an egg, and reserve about a quarter of it
(5) 倒入牛奶攪拌(這裡我選用了杏仁奶代替)
Whisk together with milk (Here I am using almond milk)
(6) 在麵粉中挖一個洞,並倒入牛奶蛋液
Create a well in the dry mix and pour in the liquid
(7) 用刮板輕輕將乾濕的材料混合,隨便地混成一個麵團
Combine it unceremoniously with a cutlery knife
💡 切記不要過份地搓,不然麵粉會起筋性而變得緊實。用輕壓的方式,在「混合」和「過份地搓」之間要取得平衡喔 DO NOT over-mix it, otherwise it will become glutinous and dense, therefore, try to find a balance between mixing and not over-mixing
(8) 表面灑上麵粉防沾,再包上保鮮紙,放進冰箱15-30分鐘
Top some flour on the dough, wrap it in some plastic wrap, then put it in the fridge for 15-30 minutes
💡 雪得愈久愈好,確保你的麵團完全冷卻 It would be better if your dough is well refrigerated
(9) 雪好的麵團切半(這樣就可以做兩種不同口味了科科)
Once chilled, cut the dough in half (then you can make two different favours lol)
(10) 將麵團搓平,左右兩側向中間接,重覆這個步驟兩次(共三次)讓它稍為平整
Fold the dough 3 times until it's a little smoother
(11) 搓約2cm厚度,並用餅模壓形(家裡的餅模太迷你,所以找了個膠杯代替)
Roll the dough out to 2cm thickness, then cut out scones with cookie cutter
(As I don't have a proper cutter, I use a plastic cup instead)
💡 別忘記餘下的麵團可以再搓形壓模喔 You may need to press what's left of the dough back into a round to cut out more scones
(12) 至於另一個麵團,加入任何你喜歡的莓乾,處理方法同樣(10)-(11)
For another dough, add some dried berries you like, and repeat the steps (10)-(11)
(13) 把鬆餅放左烤盤上,再掃上剛才預留的蛋液(4)
Place the scones onto the baking tray, and brush the tops with reserved egg (4)
(14) 放入已預熱180度的烤爐,用180度烤10-15分鐘至表面金黃。放涼5分鐘,塗上凝脂奶油和果醬。
Bake for 10-15 minutes at 180ºC until golden on the top.
Let cool for 5 minutes, generously topped with jam and clotted cream.
注解 Note:
※ 製作時正是夏天,天氣太熱了,假如沒有把麵團好好冷卻,麵團便會黏黏的,難以壓模。(像隻爛泥怪)
If the dough did not well refrigerated, it would becomes sticky and hard to cut out during hot weather. (Seems like a Grimer)
※ 過份的攪拌,會令麵團緊實,烤出來的鬆餅便不夠鬆軟了。
If you knead the dough too much, you will end up with a tough scone.
保存方法 Storage:
※ 室溫下可保存一至兩天,冷藏的話可保存約七天。
You may keep the scones for 1-2 days at normal room temperature, or keep for about a week in the fridge.
※ 烤完當天,熱吃或凍吃都可以。假如冷藏的話,解凍並放進烤爐數分鐘再享用。
Eat just warm or cold on the day of baking. If freezing, just defrost and put in the oven for few minutes to refresh.